Monday, December 26, 2011

Say hello to Pocket Boy 2.2!

Hello everyone, Pocket Boy's 2.2 update has just been released.
We are working a bit silently on this title, but we keep monitoring all the feedback we can get and try to make improvements for our users. Before the iTunes Connect service and the Apple Store went on vacation, we wanted to push a bit of extra work on it and improve the app even further before the holidays.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Pocket Boy the newest trailer

Here a new video about Pocket Boy version 2.1, enjoy!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Pocket Boy's postcards

Sono arrivate le cartoline dell'Omino delle Tasche in due versioni: coi bottoni e con i fiori, sul retro trovate i nostri contatti e l'indirizzo Web di AddictiveColors! Vi piacciono?
Le trovate nel "Tiramisu alle Fragole" negozio di abbigliamento in via Valperga Caluso n.7 a Torino. Fate un giro anche sul Sito e sulla pagina di Facebook: ogni settimana arrivano pezzi unici e primizie di stagione da non perdere!

PocketBoy's postcards arrived! There are two versions available: a buttons themed postcard and flowers themed one, on the back side we list our contacts info and our website's address. Do you like it?
You can find the postcards at "Tiramisù alle Fragole", a clothing store in Via Valperga Caluso n.7, Turin (Italy). Take a look on their website and on their facebook page too: they get new unique items each week and great season deals!
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